By: Mills Miller
Photos: Cydney Holm


August 8th is National CBD Day. A day as important to the world as it is to our formulations: CBD is a catalyst for activating, in the context of the faux holiday, understanding, receptor sites in the body and mind to receive ancillary cannabinoids. A notion MINERAL has advocated since our conception (read Cannabinoids: A Study here).  




Therefore, on National CBD Day we chose to profile a cannabinoid that has yet to receive National acclaim: Cannabigerol, or CBG, a cannabinoid found in highest concentrations in BALANCE, RECOVERY and MAISON. 

  • —A non-psychoactive cannabinoid that acts as a catalyst for biochemistry in the cannabis plant
  • —CBG is a chemical precursor to THC and CBD, meaning the plant creates CBG and during the flowering process converts the cannabinoid into THC and CBG
  • —CBG is difficult to accomplish in large concentrations, being that it converts to either THC or CBD
  • —MINERAL accomplishes modest amounts of CBG in our hemp genetics and we preserve the cannabinoids in our solutions by formulated with crude oil



  • —CBG interacts with the CB1 and CB2 receptors, inhibiting the psychoactive effects of THC
  • —CBG boosts anandamide, an endocannabinoid (occurs naturally in our bodies ) that increases dopamine levels and responsible for regulating mood, sleep, and appetite
  • —CBG blocks serotonin receptors, potentially acting as antidepressant
  • —Neruprotectant
  • —Antioxidant
  • —Anti-inflammatory
  • —Sedative

The CBG research outside of our own is limited. In October we will harvest CBG specific hemp genetics, as part of a larger effort to accomplish genetics specific to the ancillary cannabinoids and terpenes. With harvest we will continue to explore the medicinal benefits of CBG and other cannabinoids. Still, we too celebrate National CBD Day and to celebrate we’re offering $10 off all formulations.


Use ‘CBG’ at checkout for $10 off your order.  This offer is only valid today, 08/08/19.